8 Signs of Damaged Hair

Each strand of hair has three distinct layers — the inner layer is the medulla, the second layer is the cortex, and the outermost layer is the cuticle, which can become damaged over time. Unfortunately, damaged hair is hard to avoid when you love to experiment with colors and hairstyles. But, aside from dyeing or heat styling hair, not having a healthy diet or lifestyle can also lead to damaged hair. If you think your hair might be damaged, here are a few signs to watch out for:

1. Dullness

As the cuticle of the hair becomes damaged, hair will begin to lose its luster and natural shine and look dull and dry. Deep conditioning may be able to improve the appearance of the hair, but conditioning won’t help in extreme cases.

2. Rough texture

Rough texture is one of the first signs of damaged hair. An easy way to check for this is to simply run your fingers through your hair, particularly the ends. If your hair feels more rough, frizzy, or tangled than normal, you may be dealing with damaged hair.

3. Split ends

Split ends are a major reason that you may be struggling to grow your hair out. If you notice a lot of split ends, it is an indication that you should get your hair trimmed. Healthy hair growth depends on regular haircuts!

4. Lacking moisture

When the cuticle of the hair is damaged, hair strands are unable to retain moisture. As a result, damaged hair looks dry and brittle. If deep conditioning doesn’t help, you may have more severe hair damage.

5. High porosity

In the case of high porosity hair, moisture can get trapped in the strands, leading to frizzy and unmanageable hair. Treatments that improve the condition of the hair cuticle can be helpful in this situation.

6. Breakage

If you often pull your hair into tight styles or use heat tools, your hair will gradually begin to break off. An unusual amount of hair coming off when you brush it is a good indication that the hair is damaged. Consult your doctor for advice if you experience consistent hair loss.

7. Lacking elasticity

Hair elasticity is another important aspect to take note of when examining hair health. Healthy hair has a high level of elasticity, allowing it to resist breakage. However, damaged hair snaps off much more easily, and can lead to thinning hair over time.

8. Prone to tangles

If hair is healthy, it should be fairly easy to manage, but damaged hair is more likely to become tangled and knotted. Other symptoms, like dryness and split ends, can also contribute to more tangles.

If you’re noticing one or more of these symptoms, look into possible treatments for your hair. Regular trims, gentle hairstyles, and high quality hair products can all help to restore the health of your hair.

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