Foods That Truly Help Erectile Dysfunction

Statistics show that erectile dysfunction (ED) affects approximately 150 million men around the globe. Men who have erectile dysfunction have difficulties getting or sustaining an erection to engage in sexual intercourse. A reduced libido is also a common symptom of this condition. ED may be caused by hormonal disorders, heart disease, high cholesterol, depression, or anxiety. Here are some essential foods that can help reduce the chances of erectile dysfunction, and can even improve symptoms:

1. Spinach

Leafy greens, such as spinach and celery, have a high nitric oxide concentration that can help expand arteries and increase blood circulation. Therefore, the nitrates in these vegetables can help improve blood flow to the penis to facilitate a sustained erection. Spinach also has high levels of folic acid, which can boost sexual function in men. One recent study has actually linked low folic acid levels to erectile dysfunction.

2. Fish

Many types of fatty fish, such as salmon, albacore tuna, sardines, herring, trout, and swordfish, contain omega-3 fatty acids that can promote blood flow and lower the chances of erectile dysfunction. Salmon is also rich in vitamin D, which ensures proper blood circulation to blood vessels, arteries, and other organs. Oysters can also help boost sex drive by increasing the production of testosterone.

3. Coffee

Your daily cup of coffee can also help reduce erectile dysfunction. Caffeine stimulants can help the arteries relax and increase blood flow to the penis. A 2015 study, published by the journal PLOS ONE, sought a link between ED and consumption of coffee in men, and found that those who had the highest caffeine intake had lower chances of erectile dysfunction. Therefore, patients may benefit from drinking between two and three cups of coffee each day.

4. Citrus fruits and dark berries

Oranges, blueberries, blackcurrants, cherries, and raspberries are rich in flavonoids, which greatly reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. These foods can encourage blood flow, allowing the penis to sustain an erection. In fact, a 2016 Oxford University study found that consuming foods rich in flavonoids can reduce the chances of ED by about 9-11%.

5. Nuts

Different nut varieties, such as walnuts, pistachio, and almonds, contain high-density lipoprotein, also known as HDL or “good cholesterol”. This beneficial cholesterol absorbs the “bad cholesterol” in the body and eliminates it via the liver as waste. The more bad cholesterol that accumulates in the body, the more it can get stuck in the blood vessels and arteries, preventing healthy blood flow to the penis. Nuts can also provide vitamin B and magnesium, which are great remedies for anxiety, which is a common psychological cause of erectile dysfunction.

6. Watermelon

Even if watermelons are made of 92% water, the other nutrients they provide can still significantly improve sexual desire. Research shows that the citrulline and phytonutrients in watermelon can help relax and dilate blood vessels. This way, blood can flow more easily to the penis, aiding an erection. This refreshing fruit also contains lycopene, which can increase overall sex drive.

If you suffer with erectile dysfunction, these foods can help. However, ED is often caused by an underlying health condition, which is why talking to your doctor about ED can prompt a medical examination to identify the source. Doctors may also prescribe additional therapies and medications to help reduce ED symptoms.

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