Healthy Snack Options for Kids

The key to an active and productive life is a proper diet filled with whole foods. However, between picky eaters and busy eaters, finding food that kids can consume quickly and will eat enthusiastically, and that will provide them with the nutrients they need, can be a struggle. Luckily, we’ve put together this list of healthy and tasty options that are easy-to-make and are sure to be a hit with your little one’s taste buds:

1. Apple slices

Apples are the quintessential fruit, so if you’re looking for a healthy snack for your child, apples should always be at the top of the list. They’re packed full of fiber and vitamin C, which is great for your child’s immune system. Additionally, apples are a great source of magnesium, which is essential for bone health.

2. Deviled eggs

Deviled eggs are a great snack for kids of all ages that pack a heaping helping of protein, vitamins, and minerals. These favorites may be high in cholesterol and sodium, but they make up for it with a high amount of fiber. Additionally, add some iron-rich spinach to your deviled egg to have the best snack around! Deviled eggs are prepared by hard-boiling eggs, removing the yolk, mashing up the yolk with mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar, and seasonings, and then piping the yolk mixture back into the space in the egg.

3. Celery sticks with peanut butter

Celery sticks with peanut butter is a delicious, healthy, and fun-to-eat snack for older children and even for adults. Celery has very few calories, almost no carbs, and tons of fiber! Moreover, peanut butter provides a high amount of protein and healthy fats that will help keep your kid feeling full for hours on end.

4. Hummus and veggies

Hummus and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals. The veggie side of this snack provides fiber and antioxidants that help fight free radicals, while the hummus provides filling protein to help build and repair muscles. Hummus is prepared in many different flavors and varieties, so try them all and find your kid’s favorite!

5. Blueberries

Blueberries are full of antioxidants that can help to keep bones healthy. They also provide calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Plus, they’re an excellent source of fiber. If your little one isn’t a fan of blueberries plain or in their cereal, add them into a muffin! Stir some yogurt into the batter before baking to get the most out of the blueberries’ vitamins and minerals and to add some extra protein.

6. Cheddar cheese sticks

Cheese is one of the most popular (and most calorie-dense) snacks around. It is high in protein, making it an easy and filling snack. Moreover, it is full of calcium and vitamin K, which are vital to bone health. Cheddar cheese is also a great source of iron and vitamin A, and snacking on cheese, rather than sugary snacks, has been shown to promote healthy teeth and lower cholesterol.

The snacks listed above are great, but they should not replace actual meals. When choosing any of them, try and opt for variations that contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals and less sugar and sodium.

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