Credit cards can provide numerous benefits to customers, such as providing access to emergency cash in the case of an unanticipated expense and making it easier to keep track of your spending. However, obtaining a credit card can be difficult if you have a poor credit score, as most banks would consider you a high-risk borrower. Luckily, the following credit cards have benefits that can help you boost your bad credit:
1. nRewards Secured Credit Card
One of the best features of the nRewards Secured Credit Card is the ability to earn nRewards points, which can be redeemed for various rewards, including travel, merchandise, and cashback. Cardholders can also use their points to book vacations or rental cars. This card has a much lower interest rate than most secured cards, making it a great choice for saving money on interest charges. Additionally, it offers a 0% introductory APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first 15 months.
2. BankAmericard Secured Credit Card
The BankAmericard Secured Credit Card requires no annual fee, which is a great option for those looking to establish or rebuild their credit. This card also offers a competitive APR, which can help you save money on interest charges, and it comes with a free online account management tool. This tool makes it easy to keep track of your account activity and make payments on time.
3. Discover It Secured Credit Card
The Discover It Secured Credit Card is a great way to help improve your credit score; it has no annual fee and a low APR. Plus, it requires you to make a deposit as collateral against the card, so the card issuer feels more secure and is more likely to approve you for the account. The credit card also offers cashback rewards on all of your purchases, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to save money.
4. Capital One Platinum Credit Card
The Capital One Platinum Credit Card is a great choice for those looking to build or improve their credit. With no annual fee and a low APR, it’s a great option for those who want to avoid paying interest on their balances. The card also offers a wide range of rewards and benefits, including cashback and travel perks.
5. DCU Visa Platinum Secured Credit Card
With a low annual fee and a competitive APR, the DCU Visa Platinum Secured Credit Card is a great option for those looking to rebuild or establish credit. One of the best features of this credit card is that it offers a grace period on purchases, meaning you will not be charged interest on your purchases if you pay your balance in full each month. Another great feature of this card is that it does not have a foreign transaction fee, which greatly benefits those who travel frequently or make purchases in foreign currency.