All-Natural Remedies for Cold and Flu

According to global health statistics, seasonal influenza causes approximately 1 billion infections and between 290,000 to 650,000 deaths worldwide each year. The body fights a flu infection by reacting with symptoms like coughing and sneezing, excessive mucus production, aches, and fever. As annoying as these symptoms may be, they’re actually a healing response from the body. However, to help you get better faster, here are some natural remedies for cold and flu:

1. Take vitamin C

Vitamin C has many benefits; one of the biggest is that it helps with growth and development, repairing damaged tissues and keeping the body energized. Vitamin C has also been reported to reduce the duration of sickness caused by a cold or flu, as it is a very useful nutrient for the immune system. Eating more citrus fruits (and drinking citrus fruit juice) is the classic way to consume more vitamin C, but you can also try adding peppers, strawberries, and broccoli to your diet or even just taking a daily vitamin C supplement.

2. Ginseng

Ginseng is an herbal supplement that is commonly used as a natural remedy. It is also one of the most popular remedies for naturally treating colds. According to studies, it can improve the immune system and reduce the duration of a cold if it is taken consistently for 4 months as a preventative measure.

3. Sip bone broth

When you’re down with the flu, it can be highly beneficial to consume bone broth. The broth minimizes stress on the immune system and energizes it by providing it with vitamins and minerals that support immune function. It also provides the body with the amino acid cysteine, which helps to clear out mucus from the air passages, providing relief from the uncomfortable congestion that often accompanies the cold and flu.

4. Honey

Honey mixed with some hot water and lemon juice is one of the most tried and true natural remedies used to soothe a sore throat. This delicious natural syrup is also an effective remedy to help soothe symptoms of cold and flu all by itself, working as a cough suppressant and helping to soften the throat area. Honey is also said to have anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Drink lots of fluids

One of the most important things to do when fighting a cold is to keep your body hydrated. Hydration enables circulation, allowing blood to flow more freely. This, in turn, allows white blood cells to easily travel to sites where germs may be present. Moreover, the body tends to sweat when it comes down with a fever, which can possibly cause dehydration. Drinking plenty of fluids can also be particularly helpful with respiratory infections, as being properly hydrated can thin mucus, reducing congestion and helping you to breathe better. Hot fluids, like tea and hot water with lemon and honey, are additional beneficial, as both the steam and the hydration can help clear nasal and chest congestion.

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